It's raining, very, very steady downpour. Today is the huge game, Clemson vs. Carolina. We, well were Gamecocks not those nasty Tigers. The rain started last night, which means this game is going to be a
mudbath!! We are going to the Moore's to watch the game with 70 of our closest friends in Milton's "Man Cave". The Man Cave is a four car utility building. There's a huge boat in one part, Jean's antiques (staged for the different booths) in one part, and a little kitchen and bathroom and huge gathering area in the other two parts. He's got two huge screen
tvs ready to go for today.
Lili and I hit the mall. Not at the insane hour it opened, we did it at our idea of morning. Needless to say not one Christmas present was bought, just stuff she "needed" and a little purple top for me. I tried on some "party" clothes, but alas, nothing would zip, lots of defective zippers, none of which would go over my bulges, and I
refuse to go to a larger size!! So, no party clothes for me. Did discover one of my idols, Kristin Davis has a clothing line now!! Nice classic styles, but the dresses all had a weird gather in the back that made an average size adult butt look huge!! She even has
jewelry which were all nice pieces too! When my weight is better, I might check back with her stuff!! Did ya'll know Kristin is from SC?? Actually, she went to school in Columbia and I think her Mom lives in Winnsboro now. She comes home a lot, might see her at the airport one day!!
My man and dog are both snoring while I sit here in bed surfing, see ya'll. Go Carolina!!