Monday, February 23, 2009


Ken took a business call at home just now, something he really doesn't do, at least until he's in the car. But, I was eavesdropping. One of the clients name was Slim, and Ken was solving their problem (he's an alcohol attorney, yes, for real!) by "getting the ox out of the ditch" Guess that's good southern lawyer talk meaning, I can solve this issue!! It really cracked me up!!

Yeah for all the Oscars last night!! Really didn't ever see Hugh, I missed the first 15 minutes, that must have been where he was, but did agree with almost all wins. I guess we need to see Slum Dog, since they blew the socks off the place!! The cast,crew and big shots sure do seem genuine.

Wonder if they have a Slim amongst their kin??

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Do you believe in stem cell research?? If it further develops cloning - I'm all for it.

This would be the ideal cloned man:

A lot of this for many obvious reasons, especially sense of humor!

Some of this for his charm and attitude towards marriage and family

A little of both of these for their strength and determination
A little of this thrown in for good measure, devotion to family and because he's my Dad! the little white one for his devotion to me!

Then a lot of this one, his devotion to family, country, and me!
We had our 14th anniversary on Wednesday, seems like yesterday we decided to change our first trip to Grand Cayman from a trip to a honeymoon!! Thanks for all your love and for being you!! XXOO bunches!
Keep up the cloning research!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

IKEA Bound

Our IKEA opens on February 18th!!! We are planning a trip up there (Charlotte) within the next 30 days. Let them get their bearings straight!!1 IKEA is finally here!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Weight Issues

I'm in a pants that I bought at Lake Como in the town of Bellagio in 2006. They are too big!!! I'm losing inches people!!! I bought two pairs of pants there, because my luggage was lost and we were venturing into a 2 week tour and needed clothes. Two pairs of pants, two t-shirt type tops and some underwear was more expensive than anything I had in my suitcase, which did catch up to us the morning we left for the Dolomites!! Good thing, it was real cold up there!!
Anyhow, I'm losing weight, I'm down almost 17, I've hit a little platue, but I persevere!! I still have about 25 lbs to go, I should be in a large 4, small 6 by then. The Jenny Craig lady says size 2, but I doubt that, even when I was skinny I avoided 2's. I have no waistline normally, so size 2 is really too tight for my taste!!

I'm working on computer all day, google calendar and contacts saved to i-tunes, itunes updated and improved for my i-phone (which I love!!), starting to learn power point, updated blogs for SIS and bible study!! All day computering!! See ya!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Having a Quilt in my Bonnet

Do you ever have those days where you told yourself, I'm cleaning house, nothing else and then...... you find yourself playing with fabric??

Left is lots of doodling, needs quilting and binding. Right is from a pattern I got at Nancy's Quilt shop in Vegas. I combined the three patterns into one scene and used brights rather than pastels, it needs quilting and binging too. Does anyone know how to use that binding tool, the binding thingy?? For the life of me, I CAN'T figure it out, send tips, please!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tennis Anyone??

Australian Open - a repeat of Wimbledon!! Nadal one - amazingly so!! But my heart broke for Roger!! He cried and got very chocked up!! They bring out the best in each other, wow you two, I wish I had their dedication and hear!!

Speaking of dedication - I"m down 15 lbs and 6-1/2 inches! I'm in large 8's!! 20lbs to go!! I"m off this morning to Miss Jenny's see if I lost anymore???