Sunday, September 5, 2010
Kaffe in Provance
I preordered the book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comes out mid September. Amazon has a deal if you preorder!!!! $16.00 and some change!!!!! Can't wait!!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Red White n Blue
I'm working on State Fair exhibit. A flag, all hexagons, Kaffe is in there too!! I'm trying to figure out how to get "peace" in there too! I did try this last year, but didn't like any of my results, we'll see how the hexagons turn out. It's a lot of work, for a piece about 28 in by 12 in!!! But it's fun!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Babies & Kaffee
I have pics. Suzie went to see the babies post birthday (she was camping on their birthday). Had a great time with them, she said they talk great (yep) and they are the cutest (yep) and they are Casey by looks but Micheline's personality is very much present (yep, in a good way I mean!)
Kaffe a Day News:
I've been doing it, I just don't have the names of the fabric down pat so that I don't get in trouble by the fabric police!! But, here it so far:
It has a piano key interspersed with Kaffe half triangles coming. This is about 2 weeks worth of sewing (and all done at least part of one day, Kaffe a Day) I'm making a spread sheet to include with my next post.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Small Butterfly Done - check
Small butterfly baby quilt is done. Mother wanted lavender butterflies, but the lavender will not be used it's for a keepsake only. This one is all prewashed and polyester batting, can be washed.

This is the overall - it's about 18 x 24, I just quarted it and did some stitch in the ditch with the side panels and then with variegated thread did chain stitches around about 1/2 of the butterflies and

This is the overall - it's about 18 x 24, I just quarted it and did some stitch in the ditch with the side panels and then with variegated thread did chain stitches around about 1/2 of the butterflies and
then did some french knots in the big butterflies. Back is solid purple.
Hope she likes it.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
More Octo Quilts
Look at this that I found on Material Obsession from Australia!!! I never would have thought to put brown with Kaffe!!?? Looks good, I might take some of mine apart and do this. It's so pretty. Material Obsession always has great pics, and I have one of their books too. Kaffe spends weeks there teaching, uuummm, Australia and Kaffe, what a trip!! Some day!!
I watched Julie & Julia the other day, love that movie. I just love Julia's thrill for life, everything she did was over the top, including her height, anyhow... What about a Kaffe and Beth, doesn't sound as good, but a stitch a day for a year with Kaffe. Kaffe if you have people that track you, I would love to do that!!! We've met (at a class), You were born in San Francisco, I was raised in Marin County (across the bridge), I worship your colors, Big Sur is where you grew up, and your family has the Nepethe restaurant, my Grandmother ate there long ago and always loved that area, so much so that's the area we spread her ashes. When they had the fire in Big Sur, I e-mailed the restaurant to check on them, they e-mailed me back, they had survived and even fed firemen during the fire. I'm really liking this idea. I guess I would have to get permission from the Man, but Julie didn't - maybe I'll just sew and go!!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Octagons gone wild
They are everywhere!! Ever since Suzie and I started these things, this is all I see:
My next quilt!!! Maybe for state fair too!
Two for a big center - cool
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
PUlled back, stuck in bed on heating pad
By the way, the heating pad is not working. Ibuprofen and ice hot work. But I still can't move. So, I'm surfing, cleaning up my ipod, playing cards on my ipod, doing puzzles on my computer, staring at incessantly stupid tv. Except for when somebody pulled Danielle's hair extension out on New Jersey housewives. That woman (Danielle) is crazy, certifiably, a loon. I feel sorry for her kids whom seem sweet and quiet. She hires ex-cons to go everywhere with her as body guards. She can't defend herself from another new jersey girl?? She's a loon I'm telling you. Nothing else good on the tube. I'm listening to Alice and Wonderland on my ipod, finished the HELP, that was cute. I've got great podcasts but I'm using them as "go to sleep stuff" since tv is so bad. When did it get so bad?????? Still making octagons, a little, can't sit up right enough to sew. I have two purple butterfly baby quilts to finish, but they are both basted, just need quilting. Frankly, I'm afraid to start the quilting for fear of goofing it up QUILT one of two purple ones. They will be done next week hopefully! 

Monday, July 12, 2010
Those octagons Suzie and I played with in CA, well they are still happening in Sc! I'm addicted. I have a box of them next to the bed, I try and do at least six hexagons a day. My Halloween, started in CA, has morphed into a tabletopper:

This is a piece I painted the other day, It's titled "Low Tide" and if it works like I hope, going to the state fair along with "foggy Clementine". I worked on baby quilts yesterday.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Stress Test
I forgot to say: I passed stress test with flying colors. No asprin routine even needed yet. My heart is not the size of the Grinches, and it pumps nicely I was told. Come back in a year!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Stress, Cupboards, Painting
Twin beds pushed together as one like they do in Europe, still sleeps as twins. I'm going to make a head board and foot board eventually.
Cupboards on one wall, 3 sets by end of day. All my chochkeys fit with a tad of room to spare, lots shop!!! No way, just give me money!!

Colors will be chocolate brown and aqua and white by the time I'm done. So no painting except maybe a little side table and some sewing. That's it.
Today I painted fabric, well tried. See what I mean:
I'm going to try and do some decorative stitching and a couple, if that works out well, they are going to the state fair!!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Stress, what stress
Test was easy, but involved. They told me to be there 6 hours. So, I grumpily said ok. Signed me in the wrong area, that took 30 minutes for them to straighten that out, did the nuclear med needle prick, best prick I've every had, never felt it. Send in all that glowing fluid, did the first round of pics, its really a machine that goes around your heart from angles on all 3 sides of your body. then they make you wait, then you get on the treadmill - 30 minutes from start to finish the whole time hooked to an ekg machine, then they make you wait, then they do a sonogram which hurt like the devil, cause they were trying to work around and under ribs. then another wait, then another serious of pics all around then wait. We are now at 3.5 hours, they tell me to came back at 2:00 to see the dr for his results. You're jocking spewed from my mouth before I thought. I moved through all the other stages and waiting "so fast" cause" they hardly had any patients that normally the gap of me waiting for the doctor would not have been the 2 hours. So, I opt to reschedule the dr appt part to Thursday. So consequently next week is all booked.
Blue Grass festival #1 was awesome. We only stayed for a short part of, most of the time we were there they were breaking. But we heard the best base player for blue grass internationally, the best mandolin from like 2007 nationally, and the others maybe 5 more all played together just "jammin". No plan in mind, no music, just bouncing off of each other. Awesome!! Plus we had a whole pig and great side dishes to eat. Too much, got to my stomach bad!! The other blue grass was a cd of Ricky Skaggs, not nearly as good as the old farts just goofing around!!
Today, we put together 3 wardrobe cabinets in lili's room (guest room), going to put all decorative pieces and holiday stuff I have in one place, it will no longer be shoved here there or nilly. Mom and Julie are coming over to organize. I took Lili's twin beds and slide them together made them as twins and put a King coverlet over the two and decorate pillows making it look like a King, like they do in Europe. It looks good!! I have an extra book case out of the deal, I might be able to squeeze in my sewing room for supplies.
Lots of fireworks here last night, scared animals!!
Blue Grass festival #1 was awesome. We only stayed for a short part of, most of the time we were there they were breaking. But we heard the best base player for blue grass internationally, the best mandolin from like 2007 nationally, and the others maybe 5 more all played together just "jammin". No plan in mind, no music, just bouncing off of each other. Awesome!! Plus we had a whole pig and great side dishes to eat. Too much, got to my stomach bad!! The other blue grass was a cd of Ricky Skaggs, not nearly as good as the old farts just goofing around!!
Today, we put together 3 wardrobe cabinets in lili's room (guest room), going to put all decorative pieces and holiday stuff I have in one place, it will no longer be shoved here there or nilly. Mom and Julie are coming over to organize. I took Lili's twin beds and slide them together made them as twins and put a King coverlet over the two and decorate pillows making it look like a King, like they do in Europe. It looks good!! I have an extra book case out of the deal, I might be able to squeeze in my sewing room for supplies.
Lots of fireworks here last night, scared animals!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Margaret's Quilt
Happy 4th of July
Happy 4th ya'll!!!!
We are going to two parties, both involve Blue Grass (don't like) But the first one the players are genuinely talented, so you can't help but listen, 2nd one, armatures!! Thank God Mr. Job invented that little machine I can listen to my own stuff on!! Go Bon Jovi!!!
today is stress test - are you supposed to be scared to death!! They keep telling me little ladies of 80 yrs old do it, so can I. Again, that little machine of Mr. Job's is accompanying me!!
Look at Tommie's blog, yesterday's posting - what a naughty dog!! Mine doesn't even like chapstick!!
Happy " Our Nation's Birthday!"
We are going to two parties, both involve Blue Grass (don't like) But the first one the players are genuinely talented, so you can't help but listen, 2nd one, armatures!! Thank God Mr. Job invented that little machine I can listen to my own stuff on!! Go Bon Jovi!!!
today is stress test - are you supposed to be scared to death!! They keep telling me little ladies of 80 yrs old do it, so can I. Again, that little machine of Mr. Job's is accompanying me!!
Look at Tommie's blog, yesterday's posting - what a naughty dog!! Mine doesn't even like chapstick!!
Happy " Our Nation's Birthday!"
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
More Stuff
Carolina won baseball college world series (0r some huge tournament) Wahoo
Nikki Haley - I mean really - yuk!
Bob Coble has retired as mayor of Columbia, he's been mayor as long as I've been here 1989! Time for new blood, now let's hope he's not corrupt!!
Elizabeth Edwards, not feeling it for her anymore. She's still a woman with cancer and a sleazebag for a husband though. But she needs to stay quite!
Oil Spill, I mean really - clean it up and get rid of BP!
Starbucks has frapps in little bottles that are 100 Calories - yeah
Tomorrow is stress test - yikes! I've been exercising (swimming, rowing, walking and/or sit ups everyday) Maybe these flaps on my thighs will go away not to mention my inherited stomach area!
Nikki Haley - I mean really - yuk!
Bob Coble has retired as mayor of Columbia, he's been mayor as long as I've been here 1989! Time for new blood, now let's hope he's not corrupt!!
Elizabeth Edwards, not feeling it for her anymore. She's still a woman with cancer and a sleazebag for a husband though. But she needs to stay quite!
Oil Spill, I mean really - clean it up and get rid of BP!
Starbucks has frapps in little bottles that are 100 Calories - yeah
Tomorrow is stress test - yikes! I've been exercising (swimming, rowing, walking and/or sit ups everyday) Maybe these flaps on my thighs will go away not to mention my inherited stomach area!
Channeling Vampires
All these new vampire movies have caused me to become nocturnal. I ran errands at walmart and Post office the other day at 4:00 a.m.. Now it's 1:29 a.m. and I'm ordering my pics from Calif. Had a wonderful trip there. Needed that time!! Spent money in every quilt shop in Modesto (yes Pam Kitty's and Alex's favorite), Turlock and Oakdale, so Calif your economy was helped for one week! The twins were adorable - will try to add pics here!
New Tunnel and Tent with Cassandra (can't seem to get other pics to load) Conner is as adorable as his sister. Great kids!! Happy Kids, must be great parenting!
Yosemite was as beautiful. Falls are all full do to late snow and lots of it. Can't get those pics to load either. EEERR
Tommy's blog shows homemade panini's - yum. Will try
Have started Margaret's lavender butterfly quilt (will show when pic thing works) and Suzie got me hooked in a major way on these octagonal blocks. Gone crazy with those!
My Roger is out of Wimbledon, Venus is out, Venus and Serena out of doubles, go Rafael!!!

Yosemite was as beautiful. Falls are all full do to late snow and lots of it. Can't get those pics to load either. EEERR
Tommy's blog shows homemade panini's - yum. Will try
Have started Margaret's lavender butterfly quilt (will show when pic thing works) and Suzie got me hooked in a major way on these octagonal blocks. Gone crazy with those!
My Roger is out of Wimbledon, Venus is out, Venus and Serena out of doubles, go Rafael!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Bound for Twins
Sunday Morning - Happy Father's Day to my Dad!! to Casey, to all my other friends and their assigned Dad's but especially to Ken - Great Dad and Great Husband. He's had an especially hard 6 months with his kids (grown) and he's handled much better than I have!!!! Wish I was that layed back!!! It comes in handy!!!!
I'll be at the twins house - Casey's kids today and tomorrow for a little bit. Then it's back here, pack and head to airport. Home Tuesday night, Bogie's already said he's coming to the airport to get me!!!! That's Ken, bringing my kid to meet me, again, a good Dad!!
Happy Father's Day!!!
I'll be at the twins house - Casey's kids today and tomorrow for a little bit. Then it's back here, pack and head to airport. Home Tuesday night, Bogie's already said he's coming to the airport to get me!!!! That's Ken, bringing my kid to meet me, again, a good Dad!!
Happy Father's Day!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
I'm in Calif getting some fresh air. Things got toxic in South Carolina. Until I can handle certain situations better, it's better for my mental health to be here. I go home on Tuesday 6/22, but things are going to change for me after that. Until then, nature therapy. We went to Yosemite yesterday, falls are loading to the gills!! Snow still around: Here's a preview:
Yosemite Falls, Lower and Upper, both thundering sounds of water included in these pics!
I go see the twins (oh yeah, the rest of their family too) on Sunday! They will be 2 in July!! Hard to believe!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
boats and neighbors
I have a new exercise! It's a mini kayak. Light enough I can pull it in and out of water. Good for the arms and stomach!! So far, I haven't tipped it over, you'd really have to be in some waves or deliberately roll over. Since I've been going out with my i-phone, listening to books on tape, rolling is not an option. I have it in a neck "sack" and then that in a "wet bag" so hopefully, no issues.
This morning when I went out, I met our new neighbors.

These two guys are not native, so somebody "dumped" them. They are very friendly and tame, practically will take the bread out of your hand. They followed me for a little while this morning. Bogie could care less about them!! He's still the King of the Hill!

If you look real close, the bottom right hand window has "the King of the Hill" waiting for me to come back from boating!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Lowes Motor Speedway
Happy Mother's Day to My Mom, my Sister, Micheline, and all my friends who are Moms who's kids are grown and have kids of their own.
Lili came over yesterday to visit, she's officially a Senior at College of Charleston. Yikes, then it's on the way to USC Law (East Coast USC), she brought her newest pet, total of 5 now in their apartment, a cute puppy Saki - pronounced Sock eye - not sure how she spells it. A real cute, very low key sweet puppy, all black, part Spitz and part Terrier of some sort. So, her pets will celebrate Mother's day for her.
My pets, are celebrating Mother's Day with me, Starbucks already brought in a dead creature and left it at the bedroom door, Bogie gives the best kisses!!
This is us on our way to Lowe's yesterday to get a turtle fence. The turtles are climbing out of the water and stealing flowers and border grass. Ken put a 2 ft tall metal fence in the water at the edge in hopes of saving our flowers. We also also have snakes this year! So far, we've been within inches of a garden snake, a black snake, and the mother black snake who happened to be about 5 ft long. All of them were hiding and we spotted them after we walked right by them. Yikes.
We also have a whole new heat and air system, filter and temp gauge as the other one had seen fit to collect water at the pump. Water and electricity do not mix. All had to be replaced as they all had to be interconnected. There goes a trip to Paris or China and even a small vehicle. That was a blow!!
So here's a pic of my baby and my baby dog on our way to Lowe's:
I swear he knows how to get to McDonald's for a mocha frappe, knows how to get to Kwik Way for a bologna sandwich (southern and nasty), knows how to get a flavored coffee from Burger King, and is patient enough to sit in the car whilst we go into Food Lion, cause that's where the Beef Jerky treats come from!! Spoiled, but his first kiss this morning was prefaced by "happy Mother's day"
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Today is the Day
Today is the day of Sassy Settings & Such. Not much has happened for a while except this. I'll be back soon and then reducing my social schedule immensely so I can do fun things again!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Kate Fantasy
My favorite thing in the shoe world is Kate Spade, can the average joe spend all their money on Kate Spade??? Not really. Sooo
Friday, March 19, 2010
Life is real hectic, Lake Murray SIS stuff, Chapin Chamber stuff, Kid Stuff, Family Stuff, Weather stuff. We've been through Pi Day, St Patricks Day, now it's Friday, and nothing is happening here today. Just Bogie, Starbucks and me in a huge love fest!!! I'm working on a small quilt that is real pretty!! I'll do a little of that, some La Feme Nikta watching (that's a real long story) and recovery my voice from a Bunko fundraiser last night that was nothing short of decibel loudness!! This is how I feel and the extent of my energy level of the day. This week has been wacky and wild and next week is more of the same, hope the dizzy spells go away!!!
I won't smoke, and I don't have a red had but everything else is me to a tea (tee or T)!!
Have a great day peeps!!

I won't smoke, and I don't have a red had but everything else is me to a tea (tee or T)!!
Have a great day peeps!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It's been a very hard month around here. Lots of stress, no normal man should have to deal with the things Ken is goolywagged into dealing with!! I tell him it's ok to take your Super Man cape off sometimes. But he can't/won't! I hope he doesn't pop!! The man is unbelievably generous with himself and his time (for his family, he doesn't have time for anyone else, including himself) to a fault!!
So for some comic relief, we are babysitting a kitten!! Keiko, he's adorable, Sophie went to the other house for babysitting. The parents are off to Disney World for spring break. Thank you Jesus, it wasn't Cancun!!! They are so excited!! We are excited for them, they both need some comic relief too!!! So far, Bogie is very jealous of a new animal in the house, even though Keiko is staying in his own room with all his "stuff", Starbucks is oblivious, but was curious over the cat litter box. (he doesn't have one, he has the great outdoors!!
I'll try to do pics in the next day or two. We only have Keiko until Sunday, just long enough to confuse the poor guy. He's really cute, all legs and tail!!!
So for some comic relief, we are babysitting a kitten!! Keiko, he's adorable, Sophie went to the other house for babysitting. The parents are off to Disney World for spring break. Thank you Jesus, it wasn't Cancun!!! They are so excited!! We are excited for them, they both need some comic relief too!!! So far, Bogie is very jealous of a new animal in the house, even though Keiko is staying in his own room with all his "stuff", Starbucks is oblivious, but was curious over the cat litter box. (he doesn't have one, he has the great outdoors!!
I'll try to do pics in the next day or two. We only have Keiko until Sunday, just long enough to confuse the poor guy. He's really cute, all legs and tail!!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
oops again
i still don't know how to blog on my i-phone!!
I've made parsnips marinating in honey, brown sugar and parsley. Then I made a chili mixture that will meld over night and cooked, then served in round rolls that will act as bowls. Then I made a meatloaf recipe from the new Southern Living, actually all recipes are from this issue. I don't know if it's the new kitchen or my Julia cookware or what, but cooking is getting to be so much fun.
You all keep my good friend DK in your thoughts. She has been helping a very sick woman in her church, cleaning cooking and transporting her to dr appts. In the last month this woman has been in and out of hospital and nursing care. She is back home but has been through it including not being in control of her bathroom parts. She wears Depends but there has been some other issues and she was hiding dirty "diapers" in her house. Dolly spent a large part of last week cleaning her house, covered in gloves, purel, and massive self cleaning routine. In the last two days, DK was getting a fever blister (WRONG) she contracted a staff infection from the filth in this house!!! She was just trying to do good works and now she's got this horrible staff!!
no more grossing out. It's raining here again, but at least it's not freezing this week.
I've made parsnips marinating in honey, brown sugar and parsley. Then I made a chili mixture that will meld over night and cooked, then served in round rolls that will act as bowls. Then I made a meatloaf recipe from the new Southern Living, actually all recipes are from this issue. I don't know if it's the new kitchen or my Julia cookware or what, but cooking is getting to be so much fun.
You all keep my good friend DK in your thoughts. She has been helping a very sick woman in her church, cleaning cooking and transporting her to dr appts. In the last month this woman has been in and out of hospital and nursing care. She is back home but has been through it including not being in control of her bathroom parts. She wears Depends but there has been some other issues and she was hiding dirty "diapers" in her house. Dolly spent a large part of last week cleaning her house, covered in gloves, purel, and massive self cleaning routine. In the last two days, DK was getting a fever blister (WRONG) she contracted a staff infection from the filth in this house!!! She was just trying to do good works and now she's got this horrible staff!!
no more grossing out. It's raining here again, but at least it's not freezing this week.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
try again
I was trying to blog from my iphone, wasn't working. this is what i was trying to say:
I was given the Spirit Award from my charity group this year (Tuesday Night) I was blown away, so many people should have gotten before me (really, not just being cheezy) It was voted on by the organization's members and supposedly it was pretty unanimous and a large turnout. Wow, I'm honored. I was given the President's Award (President's choice only) in 2006, so now I'm like Oprah - I have them all - let someone else win!! Really, I'm very honored and I truly get more out than I put in. I do the work because I'm a doer and not just a listener! I have a pic, but it's on my iphone and google mail is being very persnickety!!
I've made a carrier for my laptop, all Kaffe fabrics, Love it!! And I'm working on some hearts for V-day. Pics will follow when I figure out what I did to my gmail.\
Watched the documentary on Grey Gardens. What a pair, I can see my sisters / mother turning into them. We just don't have the summer home in the Hampton's to live it!!! Really, the cats, the crazy singing of song at any prompt in conversation, the style issues. Someone in that family should help them!!!
I was given the Spirit Award from my charity group this year (Tuesday Night) I was blown away, so many people should have gotten before me (really, not just being cheezy) It was voted on by the organization's members and supposedly it was pretty unanimous and a large turnout. Wow, I'm honored. I was given the President's Award (President's choice only) in 2006, so now I'm like Oprah - I have them all - let someone else win!! Really, I'm very honored and I truly get more out than I put in. I do the work because I'm a doer and not just a listener! I have a pic, but it's on my iphone and google mail is being very persnickety!!
I've made a carrier for my laptop, all Kaffe fabrics, Love it!! And I'm working on some hearts for V-day. Pics will follow when I figure out what I did to my gmail.\
Watched the documentary on Grey Gardens. What a pair, I can see my sisters / mother turning into them. We just don't have the summer home in the Hampton's to live it!!! Really, the cats, the crazy singing of song at any prompt in conversation, the style issues. Someone in that family should help them!!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Barstools have arrived!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Colon update
Well, my MLK day was spent with the Gastro DR doing a colostomy. (2nd try worked) Last week couldn't get the prep down, my throat closed up. So this week they gave me 32 pills to swallow, 20 Sunday afternoon and 12 Monday a.m. starting at 5:45. That early start didn't faze me as I never went to sleep Sunday night for obvious reasons. The prep cleaned me out, got to the dr office, very nervous. They gave me something to sleep and then they told me to wake up. Nothing happened in between as I know it. The dr said that he sent some "things" off to have biopsied (sp?) and then I have to have a sonogram in morning, then the Dr and I will "talk" So don't know what my verdict is yet. I do know the anesthesia made me sick!! Barfed about four times felt better, then the ickness came back. But, luckily Micheline called me and she and the babies talked me through it. Went to bed and got up feeling fine this morning. Finally ate something this morning, coco puffs and soy milk. That's the only thing that remotely sounded good. Now I'm off to Bible study. Have a good day ya'll!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Colonostomy Part Two
Well, Monday's colostomy was a bust. I couldn't drink the prep. YES I know millions of people do it, I tried the mind over matter thing, spoons, straws, plugging nose. I couldn't swallow the stuff. So, we rescheduled for Monday, the 18th. This time I do a pill form, 32, 20 on Sunday and 12 on Monday morning then the test at 10:30. So, let's hope my childhood fear of swallowing pills doesn't come back!!
I made beef borganyawn (sp?) on Tuesday. Well, it wasn't spectacular, the beef was good. Last night I took the beef with some yummy cheese and sour dough bread and made panini's with it. Tonight, I took the broth and ran it through the blender (all the carrots, onions, celery and the other stuff, turned it a thick broth) , added mango chutney (I didn't have honey) and warmed it up - tastes delicious!! I'm going to use it as a sauce with fish (talipia) and green beans and rice.
Then Ken leaves tomorrow for Miami (work) and comes back Sunday at 5:00 right when I start my pills and the space shuttle events starts.
I made beef borganyawn (sp?) on Tuesday. Well, it wasn't spectacular, the beef was good. Last night I took the beef with some yummy cheese and sour dough bread and made panini's with it. Tonight, I took the broth and ran it through the blender (all the carrots, onions, celery and the other stuff, turned it a thick broth) , added mango chutney (I didn't have honey) and warmed it up - tastes delicious!! I'm going to use it as a sauce with fish (talipia) and green beans and rice.
Then Ken leaves tomorrow for Miami (work) and comes back Sunday at 5:00 right when I start my pills and the space shuttle events starts.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
20 minute man
60 minute man - nope 20 minute man - on the throne every 20 minutes. Colostomy on Monday. Dr says it has nothing to do with my gallbladder removal ?? Tomorrow at least with the prep meds I know what is coming out. Have you ever seen your whole blueberries after you eat them, they float!!
Sorry for the grossness!!
Sorry for the grossness!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Cement Thighs
What do people who are fat and lazy (me) do for fun on the third day of a new year??-- Hike 7 miles in 20 degree weather on a rocky trail!!! Ken, Larry, Ruth and I hiked a section of the Palmetto Trail from Pomaria to Peak. This is an old railroad line along the Broad River where a historical foundation removed all the railroad ties, left the rocks and have turned over 400 miles in our states into hiking trails. We are aiming to do more sections, preferably on warmer days and when I'm back in better hiking shape. Right now, my thighs are cement chunks of unmovable flab!! I had Icy Hot on them before I was in the house 5 minutes. The rocky trail made for SORE balls of your feet. I had boots on, everybody else had tennis shoes, they were jealous of my boots, but I was jealous of their shoes, not so many blisters in crevices I had forgotten about. I took us about 3 hours, We left our car at the starting point and Larry's car at the end. We need to work on Hike #2. (when the weather is in the 30-40 range though). Although once you got going wasn't so bad. I had long johns, turtle neck, fleece, jeans , ear muffs,hat, scarf, down wind and water resistant jacket that goes to Alaska and Glacier, started out cold, ended very comfortably except those blisters on my toes and my cement thighs. Larry is our friend that is 200 miles short of hiking the whole Appalachian trail with a group of guys. They really hike it not end up in Argentina!! So we are going to get another hike section together and do it again. Maybe when it's warmer
picture of stream feeding into Broad River, all iced over. We had Champ (an English Spaniel) and he did great, although I know his paws were sore from the rocks too!!
Sure beat hanging out in Newark Airport on Sunday in that mass of people and have to rescreen everybody through security. What a debacle that was!!!
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