Happy Mother's Day to My Mom, my Sister, Micheline, and all my friends who are Moms who's kids are grown and have kids of their own.
Lili came over yesterday to visit, she's officially a Senior at College of Charleston. Yikes, then it's on the way to USC Law (East Coast USC), she brought her newest pet, total of 5 now in their apartment, a cute puppy Saki - pronounced Sock eye - not sure how she spells it. A real cute, very low key sweet puppy, all black, part Spitz and part Terrier of some sort. So, her pets will celebrate Mother's day for her.
My pets, are celebrating Mother's Day with me, Starbucks already brought in a dead creature and left it at the bedroom door, Bogie gives the best kisses!!
This is us on our way to Lowe's yesterday to get a turtle fence. The turtles are climbing out of the water and stealing flowers and border grass. Ken put a 2 ft tall metal fence in the water at the edge in hopes of saving our flowers. We also also have snakes this year! So far, we've been within inches of a garden snake, a black snake, and the mother black snake who happened to be about 5 ft long. All of them were hiding and we spotted them after we walked right by them. Yikes.
We also have a whole new heat and air system, filter and temp gauge as the other one had seen fit to collect water at the pump. Water and electricity do not mix. All had to be replaced as they all had to be interconnected. There goes a trip to Paris or China and even a small vehicle. That was a blow!!
So here's a pic of my baby and my baby dog on our way to Lowe's:

Ken is driving,
Bogie navigates, no need for GPS!
I swear he knows how to get to McDonald's for a mocha frappe, knows how to get to Kwik Way for a bologna sandwich (southern and nasty), knows how to get a flavored coffee from Burger King, and is patient enough to sit in the car whilst we go into Food Lion, cause that's where the Beef Jerky treats come from!! Spoiled, but his first kiss this morning was prefaced by "happy Mother's day"