Sunday, November 1, 2009

Greece Part 2

an old Jewish ghetto that was emptied by Nazi's in WWII, most of the buildings are still empty because the area neighbors decided to hold the houses in case family comes home from the war. A few are now occupied by distant cousins and other distant younger generations, but not many. The building behind the black car with the steps was the synagogue (sp ?) As a side note, the man in green (a Precept employee) was with 82 airborne and parachuted into the countryside right here for NATO!!

The Acropolis !! Acropolis means "city of hill" in Greek, so lots of towns had them, this is the most famous - the one in Athens. The building on the left lower side is the amphitheater, the building at the top is the Parthenon and across from that (not visible here is Apollo's Temple)
Apollos Temple, note the columns on the right corner are all women, not just normal columns!! Really moving and cool!
Athens from above at Acropolis, very beautiful from afar, up close - dirty, trashy, graffiti and lots of stray dogs and cats!!

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