Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mad Rush

Last Thurs and Fri a group of ladies went to the Biltmore Candle Lighting (house decorated for Christmas) and then the next morning to the Grove Park for the Gingerbread House contest and lunch. Can't take pictures at the Biltmore so just imagine the biggest private house in the US decorated to the nines! All fresh greens and trees, smelled heavenly!! Very crowded and expensive tickets, only need to do that every 10 years or so! The main tree was 30 ft tall, (in a house sitting room!) and it was the second, (brought in that day). They start the Christmas season on Nov 1, so the first tree was dried out, that day the new fresh tree brought in for the rest of the season.

Grove Park, not nearly as many entrants or adult entrants, lots of children, it's expensive making those things so I'm sure the economy got to them too.

The winner, 2 ft tall approx, beautiful, but hard to tell where the gingerbread was. It was called 2 turtle doves. There are two birds on the inside and the base is beautiful leaves and fruit - Williamsburg style. Really pretty.

This is me this morning - plus a drive to Union for the Dempsey Christmas, tomorrow Emma & Kaitlyn, which always includes some kind of craft project and last night was our formal Dinner and Dance party. Many (not bragging) came up to me and said I had the prettiest dress by far!! Wahoo, if only I could have breathed in it!! It was pretty! Copper and bronze tea length v- neck (plunging) and pleated waist with extra room for my fat rolls below the waist!! Ken wore his tuxedo with his Christmas tie and cumberbun. Not many men where tuxedos now, I think they all should wear one, they look so handsome!!
Got to roll peeps, chow

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