My very first turkey - (have always ordered one or done parts) was perfect! Golden brown, moist and came out of the oven right on schedule, my dressing was good, pretty good, not great, my purple cabbage to die for, gravy ok - pukey color - forgot the kitchen bouquet. And Santa knows Julia and I have my very own Julia cooking pot. Red to match my kitchen too! Wahoo, more meals to come.
Sad note, we had company yesterday, one of whom was 18 months old and her Mom is pregnant, all of us down on the dock and right across from us one of our neighbors kids and a friend shot with shotguns, two Canadian Geese!! We heard bullets hitting leaves around us!! It was awful! Ken called the mom, now answer, so we went over there, Ken told him how many laws he had broken and next time the sheriff will be called. This kid is a lifelong hunter and knows better, very upsetting!!!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Snow and Girls
We had the Girls for our little gathering on 12/13. They were all dressed up and cute as could be. We had lunch on real china with silver and they made personalized cups and opened presents. Both behaved well and a good time was had by all!
Sunday 12/20, Lili was home and the three of us went to chase snow! We drove to Landrum (at the border of NC & SC), then took back roads to Saluda (had lunch) ,Tryon and ended up the day in Hendersonville. Snow was at least 12 inches or more. Gorgeous, cold but so much fun.
Ken, Lili and Bogie in Saluda, NC
Bogie matches the snow!! All you PETA people, he had a coat on, but it got wet and he was shivering, he did better without a coat. He loved the snow, except it had no gross smells (his favorite)
Ken and Lili in Saluda
Church in Tyron, (everybody forget this one, it could be my Christmas Card next year!!)
Hendersonville, NC - between border of SC and Asheville, NC - lots of snow.
Monday we (some SIS) members took one of our current clients (a Hurricane Katrina transplant) and her son (senior in High School) Christmas shopping. All of us should do something like this - to see how a good portion of Americans really live! The son was thrilled to get a mattress cover, comforter/sheet set and pillows (as all he has now is flat pillows and a throw on his bed) and Mom wanted movies - she hit the cheapo bin and found every scary movie they had. We did get her some of the food her regular food stamps won't bey, but those two had the best time! Tomorrow two of us are taking the Mom to her counselor to get a ham for Christmas and now that she has a walker she is looking forward to spending time in the kitchen and cook her son a Christmas dinner. We have a member of SIS that is going to help the son apply to colleges (LSU - his first choice and he qualifies for in-state - since his real home was the 9th ward) and get that boy a college degree. He is taking physics and statistics this year in high school! on top of working at Panera Bread! Very rewarding for us!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Mad Rush
Last Thurs and Fri a group of ladies went to the Biltmore Candle Lighting (house decorated for Christmas) and then the next morning to the Grove Park for the Gingerbread House contest and lunch. Can't take pictures at the Biltmore so just imagine the biggest private house in the US decorated to the nines! All fresh greens and trees, smelled heavenly!! Very crowded and expensive tickets, only need to do that every 10 years or so! The main tree was 30 ft tall, (in a house sitting room!) and it was the second, (brought in that day). They start the Christmas season on Nov 1, so the first tree was dried out, that day the new fresh tree brought in for the rest of the season.

The winner, 2 ft tall approx, beautiful, but hard to tell where the gingerbread was. It was called 2 turtle doves. There are two birds on the inside and the base is beautiful leaves and fruit - Williamsburg style. Really pretty.
Grove Park, not nearly as many entrants or adult entrants, lots of children, it's expensive making those things so I'm sure the economy got to them too.

The winner, 2 ft tall approx, beautiful, but hard to tell where the gingerbread was. It was called 2 turtle doves. There are two birds on the inside and the base is beautiful leaves and fruit - Williamsburg style. Really pretty.
This is me this morning - plus a drive to Union for the Dempsey Christmas, tomorrow Emma & Kaitlyn, which always includes some kind of craft project and last night was our formal Dinner and Dance party. Many (not bragging) came up to me and said I had the prettiest dress by far!! Wahoo, if only I could have breathed in it!! It was pretty! Copper and bronze tea length v- neck (plunging) and pleated waist with extra room for my fat rolls below the waist!! Ken wore his tuxedo with his Christmas tie and cumberbun. Not many men where tuxedos now, I think they all should wear one, they look so handsome!!
Got to roll peeps, chow
Sunday, November 29, 2009
carolina won!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
nothing else needed
happy 2 days after thanksgiving. we had good dinner, good family time, poor chef Julie is now sick as a dog and unemployed like many others. She hits the road hard for a job right after she can breath and talk.
ok, here's the best thing going right now!!
since I can never cut and paste on bloger. look up and go to palin debate flowchart!
Then will someone teach me how to cut and paste into blogger!!
ok, here's the best thing going right now!!
since I can never cut and paste on bloger. look up and go to palin debate flowchart!
Then will someone teach me how to cut and paste into blogger!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
That stiff model is off!!! Good, two much lip action going also!! Kelly, Donny, Mya - wahoo!! Mya will win as she should!! but huge admiration for Donny and Kelly, who would have thought they would have lasted? Good for them!!
Off to Bible Study - last until after the holidays and then Bingo at Alzheimer unit!! Fun
Off to Bible Study - last until after the holidays and then Bingo at Alzheimer unit!! Fun
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday part 2
Forgot to tell you about half time show - tribute to the Veterans. As always we had all branches of service represented, but this year they had a veteran from each war, starting with WW2, the youngest veterans all had missing limbs - tore your heart ou. The football players wore black uniforms in honor of the fallen warriors and wore camouflage tennis shoes!! We had 3 Marine jets from Paris Island fly over, and I mean right over the stadium. Usually we have jets from McIntire National Guard field or Shaw Air Force base, but these were green, Ken said they were the Marines. I had tears in my eyes the whole time. speaking of which have you all seen this:
don't know how to copy and paste u-tube. Go to u-tube and look up dog welcoming soldier home. It's great!!
thank you Veterans!!!
don't know how to copy and paste u-tube. Go to u-tube and look up dog welcoming soldier home. It's great!!
thank you Veterans!!!
We have our new kitchen table,no chairs or barstools, one step at a time, really!! I am sewing something, but it's a secret!! We went to the Carolina football came last night, they almost beat Florida, number one team in nation!!! But alas, that dreaded 4th quarter, we should only have to play 3 quarters!! Ken says that's hockey - hey how's our hockey team?? The fans were great until the 4th quarter, see they only like to stay for 3 quarters, hockey it is!! Florida had a ton of fans, they travel well!! My voice is gone and I have calluses where my hands hit my rings,they actually are very sore this morning!! Carolina you did well, just hold onto your momentum for the 4th quarter too!! Go Cocks!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Part 6
Last day of touring then it's trapped in a plane for days (or so it seems)
Ephesus - my favorite by far!! It's the third largest city of unburied ruins in the world! Turkey is clean, proud of the history and very open to tourism. Lots of Russians come now and use the resorts along the Aegean Sea! We had a great guide here, full time Archaeologist, part time tour guide, you could tell he was proud and we learned lots here!

The Library, two story marble beautiful!! Pics don't do it justice!!
The Library, two story marble beautiful!! Pics don't do it justice!!
a building on the main street up the hill from the library. Check out the carvings!! Amazing!!
The main street looking up hill!!
All in all a great trip! Highly recommend it, like our group of people better in Israel, and liked Israel a little better. Greece needs to work on the culture - when it's old, take it to a recycle area, don't let it rust in the yard, street, field!! Trash belongs in trash cans not on the streets or in the fields. Take pride, you have a beautiful country!! Not to mention the graffiti everywhere, outlaw spray paint!!
Still another trip of a lifetime!! Lucky me, thanks Ken!!
Part 5
Part 4
Last leg of trip, on the cruise ship. Before we did 2 nights in Thessaloniki (northern part of country) and 3 nights in Athens
Some of the walled city of Rhodes - one of my favorite places!!!

More of wall, Wikipedia The Knights of Rhodes - this is where they started!
More of wall, Wikipedia The Knights of Rhodes - this is where they started!
Our bartender in Athens. This was a very upscale bar, but we showed up worn out and dusty each night to be greeted by Nikos and he was so much fun. He gave us sushi, snacks and even insisted on surprising us one night with his drink for us, a French Cosmo, delicious!!! We never saw any Precept people drinking, so it was just us (1 per night - we aren't heathens!!)
For all you Californians, street artist in Rhodes knows who "Arnold" is!!
Try it again, more pics of Greece
Corinth Canal, fascinating! Wikipedia it, is really interesting to you Engineer Geeks, and even normal people like me!

Apollo's Temple, Corinth - during the times of Paul's Journey's he came here, this was a really bad town, very liberal, non god fearing, lots of sexually transmitted diseases, which caused lots of really deformed people, 3 boobs, 3 man parts, really!! It was in the museum
Apollo's Temple, Corinth - during the times of Paul's Journey's he came here, this was a really bad town, very liberal, non god fearing, lots of sexually transmitted diseases, which caused lots of really deformed people, 3 boobs, 3 man parts, really!! It was in the museum
Sunday, November 1, 2009
part 3
no more, blogger is in an awful mood, keeps jamming up. more later. The cat laying on the keyboard probably isn't helping!!
Greece Part 2
an old Jewish ghetto that was emptied by Nazi's in WWII, most of the buildings are still empty because the area neighbors decided to hold the houses in case family comes home from the war. A few are now occupied by distant cousins and other distant younger generations, but not many. The building behind the black car with the steps was the synagogue (sp ?) As a side note, the man in green (a Precept employee) was with 82 airborne and parachuted into the countryside right here for NATO!!
The Acropolis !! Acropolis means "city of hill" in Greek, so lots of towns had them, this is the most famous - the one in Athens. The building on the left lower side is the amphitheater, the building at the top is the Parthenon and across from that (not visible here is Apollo's Temple)
Apollos Temple, note the columns on the right corner are all women, not just normal columns!! Really moving and cool!
Athens from above at Acropolis, very beautiful from afar, up close - dirty, trashy, graffiti and lots of stray dogs and cats!!
Rough days behind me!
Some pics of Greece - trip order:
Old wall around Thessolniki (Roman times)
Old Bynzantine Church in Thessoloniki 400ish BC
Alter inside - gold frescos!!
I'm going to do this in sections - blogger is being very grumpy - must be the time change!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sick, sick, just croupy, not doctorly sick. But it's raining here and it just makes more sense to stay in bed!! Bogie (now with shots and new hair cut) agrees!! He loves rain days. The bright spot, I got the new Kaffe Book - it is gorgeous!! How that man continues to better himself with color is beyond me.!! Beautiful pictures!! I still haven't sorted out my pics from Greece. Came home to a little schedule jam and got this cold and some stuff is just not done yet! The pendant lights are in over the kitchen bar area - look great!! Still not the same size, but the difference now can be attributed to art! Bye ya all, I'm under nyquil and the power of a sleeping cat and dog!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
100709 part 2
ok, no comments about spelling, I see what I did wrong. Plus I just ordered the new Kaffe book, it's due out tomorrow!!! Wahoo!! My routine now is going to include a lot more sewing!! I miss my machine and fabric!!
I slept through Tuesday, today must be Wednesday!! It's 7:33 a.m., but 2:00 in the afternoon Greece, time, it might take me a day or two to revamp my body clock. Our flight home was disastrous to say the least, missed connections, small planes, no food, charges for everything, I'm waiting for them to start charging you to go to the bathroom. Bottom line, were home, safe, luggage made it and now it's time to un-pack, do laundry and the other norms of everyday life. Bogie and Starbucks are glued to my hip!! As I type one is in my lap and the other is laying right next to the computer!!! Yes, I have pics, 829 to be exact!! Last year I had over 1000, so I'm doing better with one shot of each view!! But one of the ladies in our group had the coooolest camera, it's a sony and she had a stylist (sp?) that she was able to right on the screen of the camera where the pic was taken. The camera auto saves the pic with righting and then the same without writing. I'm sure some of you have seen it, but I'm just finding it, it was really cool!!!
Julie did well through her surgery, she's back at work, yeah!!! I still haven't talked to anybody but parents. They came yesterday after the mirror guy showed up at 9:00 a.m.!! but after they got a fast view of pics they left and I slept until 11:00 p.m. last night. Ate some dinner with Ken and went back to bed. So actually my body clock is doing a lot better after Israel last year!! As I'm typing a black cat paw just came around the screen on my laptop. It's was soooo cute!!! It's pouring rain right now, I have a meeting and have to go wally world to get some plastic trays for our new cupboards in the bathroom!! The wallpaper is up, the mirror is up, the chandelier for the kitchen is up, the pendant lights aren't back yet, but do any day. The kitchen table and chairs may take longer as they are custom and will be here shortly. We are just about at the stage to put stuff back on the walls and complete the process!! It's all beautiful, but took way toooo long. Good thing this is the only time!!
I'm off to take a shower in my new bathroom!! wahoo. Tom Delay is off DWTS. who advised him he could dance?? I dance better and I can't dance. What a bafoooon!!
Julie did well through her surgery, she's back at work, yeah!!! I still haven't talked to anybody but parents. They came yesterday after the mirror guy showed up at 9:00 a.m.!! but after they got a fast view of pics they left and I slept until 11:00 p.m. last night. Ate some dinner with Ken and went back to bed. So actually my body clock is doing a lot better after Israel last year!! As I'm typing a black cat paw just came around the screen on my laptop. It's was soooo cute!!! It's pouring rain right now, I have a meeting and have to go wally world to get some plastic trays for our new cupboards in the bathroom!! The wallpaper is up, the mirror is up, the chandelier for the kitchen is up, the pendant lights aren't back yet, but do any day. The kitchen table and chairs may take longer as they are custom and will be here shortly. We are just about at the stage to put stuff back on the walls and complete the process!! It's all beautiful, but took way toooo long. Good thing this is the only time!!
I'm off to take a shower in my new bathroom!! wahoo. Tom Delay is off DWTS. who advised him he could dance?? I dance better and I can't dance. What a bafoooon!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Did Rhodes yesterday, very interesting. Did Patmos this morning, really moving. Now the ship is headed towards Kushwadi Turkey, for Ephesis (sp?) The agean sea is the prettiest blue water I've ever seen, and I've seen some blue waters! It's just gorgous. Bill - Dolly is doing fine, we are enjoying the boat part for you too! I have pictures of radar equipment for you!! xxoo to all. Headed home tomorrow!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Today we do Corinth. Yesterday it was the Acropolis, very pretty and old!!! The weather as kept up with us, nice and sunny but not too hot 82 degrees. We found a great guy in the bar downstairs that has recommened different snacks and drinks to us. Last night he tried to give us a digestivo but after two sips our skin was burning and we headed back to the room!! Tonight he's going to mix us a drink with nectaur in it!! Maybe something orange flavored!! We are off to learn some more!! Bill - hope the dogs are doing well. We see lots of street dogs, they look healthy but do sleep alot!! xx00
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
nobody is commenting, is nobody worried about us!! We are having fun!! Weather is warm but ok. Food is good, but the same everyday, pasta, salad or chicken, lots of olive oil!! Wreaking havac on the stomach, Dolly is watching what I eat!! and being a food coach! Computer time is expensive here, so goodby!! Love to all.
Julie, I have your two monthly bills on my e-mail, tell Ken if you want him to forward it to you!
Julie, I have your two monthly bills on my e-mail, tell Ken if you want him to forward it to you!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Went to Philippi today. Listen to Kay speak in a theater built by Romans before Paul!! She was amazing as usual!! The weather is perfect, in the 70's with a slight breeze. Olive Oil is not working with gallbladder surgery. Having major issues with that but everything else is ok. Bill, Dolly said to tell you she is ok! Ken, I'm sorry I woke you up, but you would go back to sleep! Hope your trip was productive! Parents - hope the back and bottoms are better! We also did ruins were Paul was imprisoned! Dolly took pics, I was on bus, sick, chills, cramps and fever 5 minutes after eating olive oil! Doing the same tonight, with no olive oil!! Got to run, no pun intended! xxoo to all! Dolly & Beth
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
GREECE BOUND - any communication from me and to me, also from Dolly to Bill will be done here!! We are off to the airport and over the atlantic in a couple of hours. Due home late on the 10/5. We will eat lots of olives and lamb for you!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
tomorrow is the first day of fall. 4 days until Greece!! check this spot for updates while were gone. Makedonia Palace in Thessaloniki and Divani Caravel in Athens. Then the cruise is Louis Hellenic Cruises - Aquamarine (the ship)
Packing today, and getting an adaptor (forgot it!)
Packing today, and getting an adaptor (forgot it!)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Just finished 3 hours of paper work for SIS (my ladies group) in preparation for a meeting the day after I get back from GREECE!! I did the treasurer report, paid bills, balanced checkbook, and did minutes from last meeting (regular secretary is sick) UGH braindead. But at 3:00 my time, 12:00 her time Micheline and I are getting to chat!! She sent the cutest pictures of the babies on vacation in Montana and Yellowstone!!
This was is at home, how cute and what a patient and sweet dog!!
Sitting at Blimpies in between Hebrews Bible Study and "washing that grey out of my hair". Had tureky and provolone, sort of low cal. Tonight Marty & Brooks are coming over for dinner and to see the house progress. Spinch Alfredo with Shrimp and hugh mushrooms, and tomato and cucumber salad.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'm early, it's only 12:08, but I need to move on to other stuff!! 8 more days until Greece, starting to feel the pinch!!! My Man Roger lost last night, I was crushed for him!!! Not to say Portro (sp ?) wasn't great - I mean it's Roger guys!!! Patrick Swayze is gone, so saaaaad. Last night a husband of my Tuesday Bible study committed suicide - so sad too!! Today tile man finished!! Benito (contractor's) man is painting and redoing the ceiling after removing popcorn!!
4 trucks and my car is behind me!!!
What a day for construction! At one time there were 4 trucks in the driveway, one across the house, the electrician (2), the cabinet maker, the tile guy, the main contractor and his helper in our little bathroom (approx 3 feet by 6 ft)!! Two were in the shower!! The tile guy is one day short of being finished (9 days, waaaay to slow), the electricians moved outlets up a little (added one) installed one ceiling light and one shower/fan light, the cabinet maker brought in the base (in 3 pieces) and added the towers to each side, oh, the two granite guys!! It's raining men!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Visiting Uncle Bill & Geneva is Spartanburg, on our way home. Stopped and got them a bag of apples, apples everywhere up in Hendersonville and environs. They all smell so good!!! Tennis - One of the Williams sisters behaved badly, very badly. Shame. News- Still Joe Wilson, give that man a muzzle!!!
Driving to Spartanburg for Ken to take photos for a couple of clients. Made it into a fun weekend, just putzing around. Staying in Hendersonville, NC. Tennis is rained out, so Joe Wilson is getting even more coverage, UGH!!
Watched a documentary about Keel - artist from early 1900's. some of his stuff would make great quilts!!!! Tennis and Tile Man going on too!
Working on Bible Study Homework. Joe Wilson makes a mockery of the state AGAIN!! Obama is working hard to make it all work!! Tennis!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Cool date! Had Hebrews bible study, I like it, I like both of mine, I always like these, Precept is the way to go, so much in depth study!! Left class went to lunch with my bud Dolly and off to the bank to get SIS (my ladies charity group) in the 20th century, we are getting a debit card!! No more driving all over to pay bills for our clients (usually hours before water, power) or something is getting cut off. Now can do it by phone and a debit card!!
News - Hijackers in Mexico!!
Remodeling - tile and decorative row then more tile going up in our shower!! No mirror in the hall bath yet, drying my hair outside on deck with my reflection in the glass door!!!
News - Hijackers in Mexico!!
Remodeling - tile and decorative row then more tile going up in our shower!! No mirror in the hall bath yet, drying my hair outside on deck with my reflection in the glass door!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
9/7/09 & 9/08/09
Monday - went to a Labor Day Parade here (very small town cute) and came home to watch Tennis - Go Melanie!!!!! She's awesome!
Tuesday - driving home from Bible Study (Daniel - Chapter 7 UGH! HARD) They are working in our bathroom, tile is going up!!
News- Obama's speech to kids
Tuesday - driving home from Bible Study (Daniel - Chapter 7 UGH! HARD) They are working in our bathroom, tile is going up!!
News- Obama's speech to kids
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I've actually been off a day. My post have been consecutive days, I just the date (#) mixed up. So the 5th Saturday I was watching my man Roger Fedder win at the U.S. Open - keep up the good work. Hopefully, it Nadal and Fedder - there's no better tennis!!
News- Afghanistan bombings again!
News- Afghanistan bombings again!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Just got home from dr appt - gallbladder surgery issues! I refuse to live attached to a bathroom!! Now I have 2 pills that are to help with digestion issues. Next step - stomach scope - YUK. I'm eating Insure for 2 meals a day and light evening meal with veggies and fish or chicken. Hopefully that might flush me out and we can start again fresh. Dr. approved this experiment. Went to new Walmart - hard to navigate - laid out totally different.
News - healthcare. Kenny has a cold - he's miserable!
News - healthcare. Kenny has a cold - he's miserable!
12:37 making pot roast in crock pot for dinner and snaking on over Labor Day - Browned it on both sides, saved the drippings, thickened with a spot of flower and added spices and onions, made a small gravy - added that to my beef broth water in the crock pot. Added chunks of red potato, onions some basil and bay leaves - set on high for 7 hours. YUM Same time making chocolate chip cookies for the carpenter who is on day 2 of our bathroom remodel (no we are not done yet!!!) Sat and watched a movie about Dale Chihuly (my mentor - his stuff makes great quilts!!) Then news was talking about death of Ted Kennedy!
My blog was stagnant. I needed a change. So, I'm doing a life experiment recording for one year what I do at 12:37 p.m. I'm keeping a log and a blog. The exact time is of no importance. I used 12:37 because it had a rhythm (at least to me). I challenge you all to pick a time of day and for one year record what you are doing. NO CHEATING. Can't make up cool/strange/or interesting stuff in place of what might be a dull day. Has to be truthful. For workers who have a set routine - maybe you can record what you'd rather be doing at that specific time and then make it a goal to actually do them when your schedule allows.
I started 9/1/09 - maybe we can get a whole crowd started by 9/9/09!!
My blog was stagnant. I needed a change. So, I'm doing a life experiment recording for one year what I do at 12:37 p.m. I'm keeping a log and a blog. The exact time is of no importance. I used 12:37 because it had a rhythm (at least to me). I challenge you all to pick a time of day and for one year record what you are doing. NO CHEATING. Can't make up cool/strange/or interesting stuff in place of what might be a dull day. Has to be truthful. For workers who have a set routine - maybe you can record what you'd rather be doing at that specific time and then make it a goal to actually do them when your schedule allows.
I started 9/1/09 - maybe we can get a whole crowd started by 9/9/09!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Remodeling is still going on, no we haven't started our bathroom. Take MUCH TOO LONG!! Even the animals are tired of it and started getting grumpy!! Nobody in the house today, first time in 8 weeks. I have been a slug amongst all the choas!! Did 4 loads of laundry. Hard to do laundry with people all around and our washer and dryer are in the hallway!
Gallbladder surgery is good, but still have major "bathroom" issues. Put me on a pill call welcor, or something, supposed to help the bile solidify (no more on that issue!)
Micheline and Casey's twins turned one on the 24th!! Today, about 30 minutes ago I received the best picture of them in a frame with a Helen Keller quote about things and the heart. I brought me to tears!! They are one!!
Gallbladder surgery is good, but still have major "bathroom" issues. Put me on a pill call welcor, or something, supposed to help the bile solidify (no more on that issue!)
Micheline and Casey's twins turned one on the 24th!! Today, about 30 minutes ago I received the best picture of them in a frame with a Helen Keller quote about things and the heart. I brought me to tears!! They are one!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Today it's Ice Age 3 (ugh) but for Austin. And a little word of prayer with the tile guy contractor. Tile crooked in the hall bath on the shower head wall side. BADLY crooked. We had humidity for the first time yesterday in a week. Ahhhhh, it was so nice, now back to normal, and it's raining in and amongst the steam!! The 4th fireworks were great, downsized due to the economy and the weather was the best it's ever been. Just too many politicians, SC's politics are bad right now!!
My man won yesterday!!! What a match!! 2nd year in a row, awesome shows!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th
new t-shirt ida, we will be rich: Palin Sanford 2012! Who would have thought!! America's better off, surely Alaska is!!
More water pictures:
Aunt Julie and Austin getting ready to launch!!
Aunt Julie & Austin tubing. Notice the plugged nose on Austin!!
Bogie in the trees!! Watching everybody play in the water. Not his cup of tea, he stays dry!!
What do you do when your tile guy puts the tile up crooked??? Yikes!! It's way off under the shower head hole!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Tubing Action
Austin is waiving to his Mom! They have played really well in the water. Austin might go home with a tan!!
House update: still working on tile in hall bath, gorgeous. Should be finished today. Granite for kitchen and hall bath comes today, aaaaaaaahh!!!
Neighborhood news, a "small" black bear was spotted 4 doors down!! DNR is supposed to try to get it and relocate it before he gets hurt or hurts anybody!! A bear!! never would have thought!!
Gallbladder: hurt a lot last night, hurts still this a.m. Maybe doing too much?? It's only been a week!!
Governor update: who tells their wife I'm trying to fall back in love with you! Yuk!! We just wonder around here, singing "don't cry for me Argentina" and playing the new board game "where in the world is Mark". I don't think he should resign, he's been a good Governor until recently and the "mob of up and comings" is just that a mob! Including the lieutenant Governor who is a huge playboy!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Water Adventures
We got Austin (and William, parents 10 yr old neighbor) in the water today. Austin went in with no hesitation (life jacket on) and they played for almost 2 hours, noodles, floats, water guns, my princess chair. They had a grand time. Their first game was to blow water through the noodles and out the back, thus creating water farts. Typical of 10-11 yr olds, I suppose.

Austin is bottom right, William upper left. They both are so skinny and so white they look like WWII victims. But they have energy. They are both so into their Intendos, computes and Legos, when they are together, Ken calls them "Revenge of the Nerds". They think it's funny!!
Me - no swimming yet, about 5 more days, have to wait for the "glue" on my wounds to go away on it's own.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Airport phiasco
Poor Austin was supposed to get here yesterday at lunchtime. He's just now getting here, 7:00 a.m. next day!! Mechanical problems, but the airline never canceledhis flight until over 12 hours later, so all these people sitting, waiting. This is in San Francisco, where a flight leaves every minute. They finally ended up driving to Sacramento and flying from there straight to Charlotte on red eye. This is after over 12 hours at SFO! Yikes, Ken nor I could have handled that, we would have been back pedaling big time!! Hopefully he's landed and safe. This is his first flight solo across country, what a bad start!! I hope Austin slept on the plane.
Gal Bladder update - doing very well, walked around the block, went to see friends new koi pond (minus koi - too many deer and snakes) did laundry and washed kitchen dishes in the sink in our bathroom. Who has surgery in the middle of home renovations and a visit from nephew?? Not thinking clearly, just want that sucker out and no more pain. Have had successful cleansing of the system, so all stations are working! The slits for the cameras (3) are almost healed, slit in belly button where gallbladder removed from - healing more slowly, but better by the hour. They gave me oxycotton (sp ?) for pain, off those suckers and onto ibuprofean, I don't want any part of the hard stuff!!
Hopefully, Austin is here, bye ya'll
Gal Bladder update - doing very well, walked around the block, went to see friends new koi pond (minus koi - too many deer and snakes) did laundry and washed kitchen dishes in the sink in our bathroom. Who has surgery in the middle of home renovations and a visit from nephew?? Not thinking clearly, just want that sucker out and no more pain. Have had successful cleansing of the system, so all stations are working! The slits for the cameras (3) are almost healed, slit in belly button where gallbladder removed from - healing more slowly, but better by the hour. They gave me oxycotton (sp ?) for pain, off those suckers and onto ibuprofean, I don't want any part of the hard stuff!!
Hopefully, Austin is here, bye ya'll
Friday, June 26, 2009
Gallbladder is gone
Gallbladder came out yesterday, and when the pain goes away, I'll be gladder!! Very easy recovery so far... no extreme pain from the anesthesia!! I have four small incisions, 3 were for cameras to make sure nothing else going one. The parents are taking good care of me, and Bogie is helping too. Tonight I'll be home with the sawdust!! My throat does hurt from the tube they shoved down it, my only complaint.
Wednesday I got a farm house sink, (gorgeous) and a bathtub in the hall. The kitchen cabinets are all done (but the paint) look beautiful. I'll have pics when I feel better.
Sunday the Austin Man gets here from Calif, yeah. We will have fun with him.
I'm taking percaset (sp ?) not so bad!!
Wednesday I got a farm house sink, (gorgeous) and a bathtub in the hall. The kitchen cabinets are all done (but the paint) look beautiful. I'll have pics when I feel better.
Sunday the Austin Man gets here from Calif, yeah. We will have fun with him.
I'm taking percaset (sp ?) not so bad!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
We are in our third week of remodeling, and we are still at the demo stage, and we have a small house!! I was hoping (silly me) it would all be done by now. It's just a kitchen (small) and 2 bathrooms (small). As it is all our stuff is in one extra bedroom and in boxes everywhere else!! Yikes!!!! We did put paper down on the hardwood floores, as they were getting really dirty in just 2 visits. The paper is red as opposed to the brown I thought it was, so Bogie and Starbucks run around on the red carpet!! They love it, no skidding on the floors!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
We're Home Memorialing
We are home. Came home a day early (Thursday). I got a really bad cold and the weather was going sour fast. Left on Thursday, drove home, got in about 9:00 p.m., came through Atlanta instead of Jacksonville, rain everywhere on the Jacksonville route. Intended up with really bad weather in Destin after we left. We had a nice trip, did the dolphin thing, saw a baby dolphin in amongst lots of others. Enjoyed the white sand of the beaches, just gorgeous, all that I remembered from 25 years ago!! Only problem, nasty cold has turned into bronchitis (sp?) had to get antibiotics and high powered cough syrup, still coughing like a fog horn, but starting to feel better. Pictures are ordered for scrapbooking and laundry is in process. Life is back to normal. Happy Memorial Day ya'll!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday's always make us blue
That's why we're going to the Navy Museum in Pensacola. The weather is real iffy today and so we are doing a road trip. Tomorrow we are dolphin exploring (touristy but fun). Ken's dad was in the Navy, this museum is dedicated mostly to flying but still. This is where the Blue Angeles are based. We will probably have to stop at an obligatory seafood place for lunch. We are trying to stay wide and clear of those "all you can eat buffets" but apparently some of the vacationers aren't. The size of some of these women, I feel tiny in my girth compared to them!! They are all way to young to let this happen to themselves!!
What is to happen with my Jon and Kate??? Stop being so stupid and mean, and love your kids!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Paradise Day 2
Yesterday, well, we laid in the sun, then we played in the warm water, then we laid in the sun, then we walked on the beach, then we laid in the sun. Very stressful!! To lay, walk, or get wet??? Today, probably more of the same!! Here's a pic from Friday night at dinner on the dock where we ate, Dewey Destins. Local and low key, just like we like it.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Ruffing it on the Gulf Coast
We are in Destin, arrived last night, pics to come. So far all we've done is been beach bums and eat crab!! In a nice quite condo on the beach, facing the gulf. The white sand is still here!! I lived here in my practice marriage over 20 years ago. You don't know how hard that is to type, 20 years, yikes!! We are off soon to eat more crab and get some booze for the rest of the week.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Calypso Cabana
This is my table at our place setting fund raiser from last week. My table was Calypso Cabana. The "beach shack" plates came from a gift shop in Livermore last summer, the centerpiece is Ptzalgraft (sp?) that was misplaced in the bra dept at Belks, the yellow bowls are fiesta ware, the lemon grass colored plates are all from ikea. A real fun table. My parts went for great prices!! Salt n Pepper shakers came from a great spot on ebay, in second picture, the little beach shack and palm tree at center top of pic

We had a lot of fun that night. Really neat tables.!!
Tomorrow picking out fixtures for kitchen/bathroom (2) remodels. Then the next week Destin, then remodel full swing.
oh, dr update:
I have lots of gallstones, nothing is interfering with wall, ducts or valves, or kidneys. I can choose to watch my diet (no fat) can't have anyhow with Jenny Craig, or have it removed. With the understanding that about 50% of people have bathroom problems for life like one of my family members - yuck and no way. I don't do anything except liquids in public, always have and always will. Anything else is meant to do in the privacy of your own home. That's just me. So for right now I'm keeping what the Man gave me. If the cardiologist (who started this path) says lets remove it, I think I might. Maybe!
We had a lot of fun that night. Really neat tables.!!
Tomorrow picking out fixtures for kitchen/bathroom (2) remodels. Then the next week Destin, then remodel full swing.
oh, dr update:
I have lots of gallstones, nothing is interfering with wall, ducts or valves, or kidneys. I can choose to watch my diet (no fat) can't have anyhow with Jenny Craig, or have it removed. With the understanding that about 50% of people have bathroom problems for life like one of my family members - yuck and no way. I don't do anything except liquids in public, always have and always will. Anything else is meant to do in the privacy of your own home. That's just me. So for right now I'm keeping what the Man gave me. If the cardiologist (who started this path) says lets remove it, I think I might. Maybe!
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