Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lots been Happen'n

Ken and I have been to NYC since the trip to Memphis, but mostly we've been enjoying Bella! I know everybody thinks their grandkids are the best, but ours is the real deal (well, so are Connor and Cassandra too)

My first rocking horse!! Is she not too cute!!

Have purse, will shop

wait for it.......

Melts my heart!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Were going to the Heartbreak Hotel

On our way to see the King, Elvis that is!!

Memphis or bust, back on Halloween!

Friday, October 7, 2011

halloween manor

Here it is minus a few lighting issues and some tweeks!!

Right bookcase

sofa table

bookcase by window

footstool by back door

left bookcase (computer)

right end table

Left intable

It really does look good, pics not doing it justice!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

One more thing

RIP Steve Jobs!

I'm back!!

So much, so much, really Lili's graduation was last blog, wow!!

Since then, uumm, finally a solution to ibs, a magic pill, that you can take up to 8 a day, I take 3 normally, really keeps it "in check". Lili has a job at a law firm in West Columbia, really has boosted her self confidence 10 fold, she's practicing for the LSAT, Bella has made many visits, getting very proficient at changing diapers, pulling things out of her mouth (6 teeth now) watching her walk (yep, she started walking along the walls at 10 months, holding hands and stepping high at 11 months, now all on her own, very well. She still loves to crab crawl. She's off bottles, baby food and pacifier, loves anything, "uuums" all the way through every bite. Drew is in his second semester at Tec, just got an A on a 250 word medical terminology test (wahoo). Margaret and Bella have moved from Margo's home to a friends home (not so good for Bella) but we just pray she stays safe and doesn't have lasting memories of the turmoil in her life right now! Julie's good, still feeding every stray cat in the neighborhood!! Suzie and Austin were here this summer, how do you keep a 14 year old computer nerd busy - Not easy!! I gave up my role as treasurer in SIS (5+ years, plenty of time in the hopper) now I'm just a regular member with memories and awards to prove bragging rights. Kenny, love that man, he's fine, keeping us all sane!! I did a little summer school this summer, learned some coping skills, mainly acceptance, good for the soul, and next week I will have a procedure done to remove some warts and female parts and pretty soon I'll be hormone normal, hopefully. Mom and Dad doing great, keep us all straight with the always warranted advice. (much of what goes in one ear and out the other by all three of us) but you have to give them "A+'s" for trying.
Today, it's transforming what is a normal home into Halloween Manor - the most fun thing to do ever!! Yesterday was a prelude to all of that when Starbucks brought in an 18inch boa/python/anaconda mix alive and presented to me on the floor in the kitchen. Immediately sprang into action 1-get flip flops on, get something heavy to drop on it (wooden chopping board) from the height of a kitchen chair (packs a mean punch) then dropped a 12 pack of pepsi on the board, an 8lb body building weight on top of that (by now 9 lbs with all the dust on it), then smothered him in pledge, all along waiting for my Daddy to get here and rescue me. Luckily he brought a shovel, chopped off the pledge covered head, loaded him up and threw him in the lake!! Yum, Yum, say the turtles. Really, Starbucks, I actually was dreadfully worried about him because all I've had is one frog this whole summer. Really bummed by his lack of interest in hunting and calculating his age, worried his days were numbered! Yea right! Off to decorate!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hot Hot Hot

It's been over 100 everyday and yesterday the heat index was 110!!! Can't do much in that stuff!! So, you watch the tv shows that you have been putting on the dvr!! Where oh Where has Million Dollar Decorators been all my life?? And next week is the season final, it just started!! Those Bravo people better bring them back!! So.... who are they...well. Ross a previous model from S Africa is my favorite assistant. He's gorgeous!! I love his hair!! His partner is mild manner and a little in the clouds but love their house!!! Love, love Martyn Lawrence Bullard! His projects are yummy and love his accent, English meets Cabo San Lucas meets Southern California. Not sure if its real or made up. Kathryn Ireland has gorgeous fabrics and love her house person who used to work for Coco Channel!! Mary McDonald is funny and her taste is perfect, but she cracked me up when she went to High Point with her gorgeous lamps. Poor girl isn't used to the Quality Inn Hotel being the high end hotel of her town!! But she suffered through!! I can watch them over and over again.

Last week a real bummer, how oh how could Casey Anthony get away with murder, cruel murder at that and her pack of lies. She better have a bullet proof vest close by.

Monday, May 9, 2011

College of Charleston Graduation

Brillie and Lili. All the girls wear white dresses and carry red roses, guys wear black pants and white dinner jackets with red rose in lapel. 1600 students graduated on Saturday in 2 different ceremonies. Luckily, Lili's was first (4 hours still) and it wasn't steamy!! The graduation is held in the cistern of the school, oldest in state and one of the oldest on the east coast!! Right up there with Harvard in age, and just as pretty.

Us, I guess I am that short!! Pretty azaleas still in bloom

Walking across stage. Yeah, Lili!!

The actual President's office in the cistern where they set up the stage. Anthony's company just finished restoring all the windows and columns to this building. He mainly restores old windows in churches with stained glass!

Then it was from our finery into sweats, and move that girl back home. The work crew bailed, so it was just Ken, me, Lili and Anthony and one big u-haul truck. We each did about 12 trips up stairs loading down stairs into the truck. Left Charleston for Lexington about 5:00 pm, got essentials unloaded, tv, bed, clothes and toiletries and anything small. The rest was done by another work crew yesterday. Ken and I are tired and sore!! Feel like I did lunges all day!! WE were home and in bed by 9:30 p.m.!! Needless to say we postponed Mother's day until next week. But I did get a box of chocolates from Baby Bella!! (mysteriously the writing on the tag looked just like Ken's)

Today, it's a funeral for a guy that drank himself to death at an early age leaving a wife and a 10 year old daughter, very, very sad!

Monday, May 2, 2011

He's gone!!

That horrible man from 9/11 is gone!!!! Now bring all the soldiers home!! Any others get hurt or killed would only be for political reasons and that's just plain wrong!! This gives me hope for my country, maybe we won't move to some American compound in a foreign country afterall!! (well not yet!)

Babysitting over the weekend

My first boat ride, loved it and I can make motor boat sounds with my mouth now!! I tickle myself when I do it!!

Practicing standing up, which I have down and now I'm ready to walk!

Grandpa telling me the difference between Republicans and Democrats

I'm going to a party!! Spent the evening with 20 people and smiled and giggled for all of them!

This is how I look when I'm getting my diaper changed!!

This is me doing my rolly polly after a clean diaper!! GB went through a lot of diapers this weekend!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

the wedding!!

we had a ball at the wedding in our fine hats!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I started Tuesday back to exercising, this is me, doing good, RIGHT. I'm only doing 1 mile to start off, seems so little, but that's how bad I am right now. I used to do 4 miles with no problem, no I have blisters all over my feet, not to mention the huffing and puffing that goes on, just to get me around the track that much. Thanks to my coach Julie, (sister Julie) likes she needs exercise!!!

Bad storms coming through here, but nothing like Alabama! Closing down the computer!! Thunder and lightning everywhere!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Post Everything

The engaged couple looking at wedding magazine!!!

My life has been so upside down, too much bible study, fundraisers, holidays, other social obligations and stupid decisions by family members that I was a mole yesterday. Too much going on. But we had a nice Easter Weekend, Kids on Saturday and Adults on Sunday.

Then here's the Adults:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pictures of the babies

Bogie Left Sitting, Riley Right laying down

The every stylish (Lily Pulitzer) overalls with a big heart on the back

Salior suit up close What a face!!!!

Sailor suit out in the sunshine!!!

Aren't they all cute!!


Who knew Kristy Ally was going to be the one to watch!!! The wrastler, the radio guy, the rapper, the boxer , basically none of the men can dance. And who knew my fav Kendra was going to be so trashing out of the starting gate!!

On other hand we are temporarily fostering another Maltese. We found out that she is pretty sick (cushings) but have a lady who specializes in that illness who is going to adopt her!! We make the switch in a couple of days. The lady is an over the top animal rights activist and heard me talking in the lobby of the vet (she happened to be there at the same time) agreed to take her right then and there!! Wahoo Riley, you will be in a very caring home while she endures this sickness. One where she won't be jealous of a new baby and maybe harmful to the baby!! By the way Bella has some new adorable pictures, I just have to upload them still.

Happy Birthday to Suzie!! Age=&^%$# - but we know she loves 30's era fabric so she must be old!!! lol!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Lili and Anthony are engaged!!! Congrats to the almost graduated college student and her man!!! Love you both!! Beth

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowed In

We have 6 inches, everthing is at a stand still

Ken was able to park his car at the top of the hill after digging it out and spinning tire a couple of times. He even escaped and with around the block. He has a nasty cold, he should be inside!!!! He says I hover!! So I told him to text me if he needs me and I"ll watch the weather channel and sew!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year

I haven't blogged since Sept!!!??

Well since then, new baby, quilting, new furniture, lots of lbs, a fix for my digestive issues (well, sort of, better than anything else) chemo lotion on Ken's shoulder, Bar Harbor, Maine, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Birthday (next year, big and I mean big 50!) Christmas, Julie's Birthday and today, Mom's tomorrow Dad's. What to do !!! Make hexagons!!!

We have a grandchild, Isabella (Bella) Sept 23, 6.2, 19 inches long. Not totally our way of planning, father is no where to be found most of the time, so he's out of the picture, but she is cute and innocent of her parents issues.

We completed our living room with one more end table and coffee table. All is done, now on to den (no options there due to wall configurations, just freshening up! Maybe another color beside Tuscan Red and gold - maybe

Digestive issues better thanks to Levsin (sp ?) Three times a day, getting better, but to take gas x, plus immodium and a probiotic, just to make my body not so bloated and bathroom visits to a livable number.

Ken has a bad spot of shoulder that did not test well and was given chemo lotion to cure it. Brings it to the surface and air kills germs as per Dr. Looks like a bad case of posion oak. He's now on two weeks off and then another check up.

Bar Harbor a surprise visit to the "mountains" We hiked, we ate lobster, real lobster, we whale watched, we hiked and we ate lobster!! Turns out I like Lobster, never was a huge fan until, real Maine Lobsters! Yum, But they serve them head and all, those little eyes looking up, yikes!!

Halloween, fun, decorated here to the hilt, Thanksgiving, well, stomach issues big time. So missed my intake of Mom's chestnut dressing which I was looking forward to big time. Christmas, fun, lots of Bella time. She spent many nights with us, babies eat a lot and poop, my lord she needs some Levsin too!! I am now the proud owner of diaper skills, #1 and #2. At 49, I'm starting my diaper duties!!

Bella in her swing, loves that thing. She's 3 months old now!! I see her again on Friday. Next week, she might come up for a night.

Hexagons, Gone Crazy, they are so easy to make (thanks to Suzie mailing me 150 of the plastic forms!!) Made halloween, Christmas, 4th of July and now plaids and stripes Star!! Halloween had approx 75 in it, 4th of July about 100, Christmas 100, Plaid star I would say it will take approx 300!! Now that I'm exercising to get this spare tire off and no naps have time to do this!!

This week a Paris cityscape is in the works:

My measurement tool, rather large black cat in the middle of the cardboard cuttting station!!
Bye for now, up to 120 situps a day and arm stretches yoga style 120!! Spare tire watch out!! Plus eating tiny portions, maybe I won't have so many tiny bubble in my stomach too!!