Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday part 2

Forgot to tell you about half time show - tribute to the Veterans. As always we had all branches of service represented, but this year they had a veteran from each war, starting with WW2, the youngest veterans all had missing limbs - tore your heart ou. The football players wore black uniforms in honor of the fallen warriors and wore camouflage tennis shoes!! We had 3 Marine jets from Paris Island fly over, and I mean right over the stadium. Usually we have jets from McIntire National Guard field or Shaw Air Force base, but these were green, Ken said they were the Marines. I had tears in my eyes the whole time. speaking of which have you all seen this:

don't know how to copy and paste u-tube. Go to u-tube and look up dog welcoming soldier home. It's great!!

thank you Veterans!!!

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