Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Channeling Vampires

All these new vampire movies have caused me to become nocturnal. I ran errands at walmart and Post office the other day at 4:00 a.m.. Now it's 1:29 a.m. and I'm ordering my pics from Calif. Had a wonderful trip there. Needed that time!! Spent money in every quilt shop in Modesto (yes Pam Kitty's and Alex's favorite), Turlock and Oakdale, so Calif your economy was helped for one week! The twins were adorable - will try to add pics here!
New Tunnel and Tent with Cassandra (can't seem to get other pics to load) Conner is as adorable as his sister. Great kids!! Happy Kids, must be great parenting!

Yosemite was as beautiful. Falls are all full do to late snow and lots of it. Can't get those pics to load either. EEERR

Tommy's blog shows homemade panini's - yum. Will try

Have started Margaret's lavender butterfly quilt (will show when pic thing works) and Suzie got me hooked in a major way on these octagonal blocks. Gone crazy with those!

My Roger is out of Wimbledon, Venus is out, Venus and Serena out of doubles, go Rafael!!!

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