Sunday, December 27, 2009

Turkey Perfection

My very first turkey - (have always ordered one or done parts) was perfect! Golden brown, moist and came out of the oven right on schedule, my dressing was good, pretty good, not great, my purple cabbage to die for, gravy ok - pukey color - forgot the kitchen bouquet. And Santa knows Julia and I have my very own Julia cooking pot. Red to match my kitchen too! Wahoo, more meals to come.

Sad note, we had company yesterday, one of whom was 18 months old and her Mom is pregnant, all of us down on the dock and right across from us one of our neighbors kids and a friend shot with shotguns, two Canadian Geese!! We heard bullets hitting leaves around us!! It was awful! Ken called the mom, now answer, so we went over there, Ken told him how many laws he had broken and next time the sheriff will be called. This kid is a lifelong hunter and knows better, very upsetting!!!!

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