Friday, November 21, 2008


Friday, must mean last day to work on crafts for show tomorrow at Westminister Presbyterian. Are we ready, no. Have a found a product I want to try with quilts, thereby throwing the whole schedule off for tomorrow, yes. Everybody is talking about Elmer's Glue Gel and using it like a batik style. I can't wait to use it!! Is it new, I don't know, but it's new to me. I'm trying to figure out how I can go now to walmart at 7:00 in the a.m. buy it, come back home and be with husband like normal in the a.m. (coffee and chat) before he leaves for work!! I want it real bad!!! Ok, I have a craft show tomorrow, I'm not ready for - I'll buy the glue tomorrow after the craft show, yeah!!
Bye, got to go finish up!!
I'll have pics tomorrow!!
Hey, footnote - spellcheck didn't recognize walmart, that is such a good thing!!!

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